5 Reasons Your Website Is Not Converting

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Arpan Roy

Why isn’t my website converting? Why aren’t visitors turning into customers? Why aren’t there any repeat shoppers? How to increase conversion on my website?

These are all the burning questions you may ask yourself if you’re the founder of an emerging startup or the business owner of a scaling business.

Your company’s website acts as its advertising front, sales floor, customer service desk, and human resources and recruitment office—and it must answer the same questions and often perform the same responsibilities as the people who work in all of those departments.

Having a long line at your shop is pretty good, but it isn’t enough if people just come to browse and leave without buying anything. Similarly, getting traffic on your website isn’t all to the digital marketing strategy for your business.

You still need to have more to this strategy in place so your visitors convert to customers. And those customers convert to repeat shoppers. Let’s take a look at 5 reasons why your website is not converting.

Not utilizing SEO

If this is the first time you’ve heard of SEO, check out Moz’s SEO guide for a quick understanding. SEO is a magical internet activity that helps websites rank higher organically.

The prime goal of this practice is to gain relevant traffic and leads for your business from direct or related search results. Some of the best SEO practices for your website include:

1. Strategic Keyword Targeting

2. Creating Landing Pages that match User Intent

3. Making your website load faster

4. Offering a better mobile experience

5. Internal Linking for better search engine crawling

However, if this isn’t your first time hearing about SEO and you already do have a strategy in place but are not sure where it’s going wrong. There are a few more areas to look at before you act.

No or Unclear CTAs

Call-to-action is a way to signpost your visitors and encourage them to take the next best step in their buying journey. You can test moving your CTA up or in a different place so that it stands out and users are able to click on it easily.

Some common CTA examples to get you inspired:

1. Learn More

2. Shop Now

3. Subscribe

4. Book Now

5. Get in Touch

6. Download Now

7. Get Started

8. Sign Up

9. Try for Free

10 Join Us

Apart from this, you could also look into simplifying your website design which will rid the experience of any distractions which may otherwise keep you from achieving higher conversions.

Too many choices for the user

Ever since the dawn of forming marketing and creative teams, there has been a common debate between what’s a good user experience, and what works best in terms of search engine crawlability vs. what’s more hip, trending, or aesthetic in the design world.

Although user experience and design should go hand in hand, you want to avoid bearing any unnecessary cognitive load for your visitors. Too much information in the form of interactive features, videos, instant pop-ups, and advertisements can convert into a higher bounce rate.

Best advice for reducing analysis paralysis on your website and increasing conversions:

1. Keep one primary action per webpage

2. Make that primary action easy to complete

3. Use structure on a webpage

4. Build on existing web standards

5. Less text

6. More testing with users

The goal here is to minimize the number of choices so that the users aren’t overwhelmed. When they have clear actions to take, it will drive your sales up.

No Mobile-friendly website

Mobile traffic accounts for more than half of the web traffic worldwide. In the second quarter of 2022, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 58.99 percent of global website traffic.

Google, through its Mobile First Algorithm indexes and ranks your site using the mobile version of your website. This is why it is essentially very important to have a mobile-ready website for your business.

If users bounce from your website without converting, your mobile website could be a reason behind it.

Some tips to add value to your mobile website:

1. Make buy buttons easily accessible

2. On-Page product recommendations

3. Maximize user of product images

4. Use psychological triggers (FOMO etc)

5. Mobile specific campaigns

Lack of Value in products

On the internet, everyone is a customer. You are too. Think about how you take into account the value of a product in your life before you finalize the purchase and checkout.

This is the value you need to think about when investigating your own products and website for increasing conversions. What are the pain points of your visitors? And how is your product going to help them?

Talk about what makes your product unique and yet a common right fit for the variety of visitors on your website.

Customers want the best value possible for their money. If you can provide this value proposition it will be a sale!

Before you go

Today we discussed 5 reasons why your website is not converting. We’ve discussed how:

1. Not utilizing SEO to your advantage can result in you missing out on a lot of juice from search engines and their results.

2. Unclear CTAs and too many choices will confuse your visitors about what to do or where to go.

3. The mobile version of your website is equally (if not more than) important as your desktop website.

4. Inability to show the value of your products is a missed opportunity to increase your conversions

Small steps for your website, a giant leap for your conversions! If you work on these factors it’ll be no time before your conversion rate hits the roof.

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