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Power of Gamification: Fun Design for Serious Stuff

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People enjoy playing computer games, so if you make your everyday chores and tasks into games, everyone should be happy. That is, at least, the concept.

Gamification of non-game items inside design elements can become rewarding for both you and your customers because people now expect brands to go “the extra mile.”

But more than just the hype gatherer or being the new kid on block, gamification is essentially a problem solver. There are a few areas where gamification can really help solve some of the prominent problems:

  • Participation of learners in workplace training

  • Performance of sales staff

  • Your capacity to finish menial tasks and errands

  • Exercise performance

  • Corporate productivity

  • Your capacity to go into “flow”

  • Retention of knowledge

  • Crowdsourcing

  • Problems with hiring

  • Retaining clients

But what is Gamification?

It is often that the word ‘gamification’ is mistaken for game design in the context of design. In reality, both are polar opposites in many aspects. The term “gamification” in the tech industry refers to the process of incorporating game mechanics into non-game environments, such as websites and mobile applications.

For instance, you can include a game element, like a challenge, to entice users to interact more with your application. They can be urged to check in each day for a week, and if they do, rewards will be given.

People like having goals that are clear, and they like being rewarded when they achieve them, so it is unlikely that users would ignore such a challenge.

By using game elements like a challenge and rewards, designers can motivate users to behave in a certain way and carry out the expected actions.

Types of Game Mechanics in UX Design

Different game mechanics are used by UX designers to spice up mobile and web experiences. It enables boosting user interaction, cultivating brand loyalty for the app’s creator, and retaining users. The following are some of the most common game mechanics:


Including challenges in an app as a gamification technique

The human being is fundamentally an evolving creature that takes on new challenges and learns how to overcome them. We enjoy difficulties. Ideally, we ought to. The majority of us view them as chances to push our limits and test ourselves.

On the one hand, they force us to leave our comfort zone and inspire us to achieve greater heights. On the other hand, they hold our attention and make mundane tasks exciting.

This gamification technique, used in mobile and web UX, encourages users to try new things and discover more about the product.

Stickers and Badges

Users are always familiar with stickers and badges. Gamification at its peak.

Users are familiar with badges and stickers because we’ve seen them in video games in the past. You can incorporate them into the functionality of your mobile app and offer rewards to users who reach a certain threshold of points.

It seems like a minor point. It appears to be so tiny and insignificant. You must admit, though, that when the work is finished and you receive the notification, you typically experience a special sense of satisfaction.

Now, consider that this notification includes a reward (like a badge or sticker, for instance). It might make the user feel even happier.


Point system is an excellent way of keeping users engaged on an app via UX design under the concept of gamification


The point system is a common method used by games to show the player’s development. It allows users to see how far they’ve come and how far they still have to go. It acts as a motivator for them to keep going and finish the tasks.

Points may be included in gamified digital products to gauge user success as well. The majority of educational apps, productivity apps, time management apps, task managers, and language learning apps use this method.


Displaying journey of user flow inside an app is a perfect example of gamification

By using this game mechanic, users are onboarded gradually, making their relationship with a product into a personal journey. The “scaffolding” technique is typically advised to introduce new features as the user gradually gains more experience.

People can experience the thrilling journey of the app as real players learning about new product features thanks to this technique. Yes, it enhances the user’s interaction with a product, making it easier and more enjoyable. It has a game-like and adventurous feel.


Introduction of countdowns on an app is a part of gamification

Games frequently employ countdowns to encourage players to finish a level or task in a set amount of time. No one disputes that constraints appear to put users through psychological strain, but they also encourage quicker responses and action.

Actually, a lot of users desire and need time restrictions in order to be inspired and work more efficiently. It’s a great chance for you, the designer, to take care of the user’s needs.


Gamification via the concept of Leaderboards in apps

The competition is what makes the challenge even more interesting for people. The desire to be a leader is one of the best motivators for users. Users may become more enthusiastic if they see a list of “players” ranked according to “Who has more badges.”

Due to the high ranks of the others, it may, however, sometimes have the opposite effect and demotivate people. Because of this, it is advised that this game element be used with caution.

Core Drives of Gamification

  • Epic Meaning and Calling: where participants feel motivated because they are involved in something greater than themselves.

  • Development and Accomplishment: the inner motivation that comes from making strides, learning new things, overcoming obstacles, and feeling successful.

  • Empowerment of Creativity and Feedback: this involves allowing users the freedom to use their imagination, receive feedback, and make changes.

  • Ownership and Possession: Customizing a Dropbox folder, for example, can provide motivation through ownership and personalization linked to elements with sentimental value.

  • Social Influence and Relatedness: being inspired by what other people do, think, or say; is essentially the foundation upon which every social media platform is built.

  • Scarcity and Impatience: We are motivated by scarcity and impatience when we can’t get something right away or when getting it is extremely difficult.

  • Unpredictability and Curiosity: Unpredictability is a strong motivator for people to keep going until they have made sense of the unknown. We are motivated by the pursuit.

  • Avoidance and Loss: Loss and avoidance are motivated by our fear of losing something or having a bad thing happen.

Wrapping up

The ultimate goal of gamification is to develop “sticky” applications that users will keep using and returning to. Mobile is the ideal platform for gamification because it has a social sharing component that makes it most effective.

The more people share their experiences, the more likely it is that others will want to go on the adventure with you, which is also advantageous for your brand. Gamification can be your app’s biggest asset if you use it wisely, turning the routine experience into a tonne of fun.

Confetti Design Studio is an award winning creative design firm based in India. We work with companies around the world by providing them premium design solutions ranging from product design, web design & graphic design. Contact us right now so we can get started on your amazing idea and project.

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