Reasons your digital product is not improving

Posted On
18th January 2025
Estimated Reading Time
5 MInutes
Digital Product
Written By
Arpan Roy

In today’s fast-changing digital environment, success necessitates the development and growth of new goods. New goods are introduced with considerable zeal, but regrettably, many of them fail miserably. Of course, successful innovation requires a willingness to take risks and accept failure.

Attempting to uncover product development methodologies that boost the likelihood of success, on the other hand, is still a wise decision.

Although there is no guaranteed recipe for commercial success, there is a formula for product failure. Ignoring one or more of the product strategy’s important qualities is a recipe for failure. Mobile application development is a vast business, but if you look at your phone, you’ll see that you only use a tiny proportion of the applications available in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, since most apps are not unique.

Excellent digital goods do not come out of anywhere. They are complex artifacts that have successfully evolved into outstanding products as a result of a meticulous product discovery process. They are wonderful experiences that are easy to use and lovely to look at, and they provide exceptional value to their users.

The majority of goods fail at the discovery stage or soon after introduction. They either fail to give substantial user value, people do not utilize them on a regular basis, or their user base does not expand adequately. Few items will serve the market: significant products that get popular attention, inventive solutions that no one has ever considered, and people’s behavior will change.

These are the goods we are familiar with, appreciate, and recall regularly. These are the items we intend to build.

According to Harvard Business School, approximately 30,000 new goods (physical and digital) are launched each year, with 95 per cent failing. That is a frightening concept for any firm, particularly a startup with few resources.

This number is a huge disincentive for everyone who hopes to one day launch their dream product. This gets us to the primary point: why do goods fail? And by product failure, we don’t simply mean a lackluster financial return; poor user adaptation and feedback are also critical factors.

Fixing a Problem that doesn’t exist

In today’s fast-changing digital environment, success necessitates the development and growth of new goods. New goods are introduced with considerable zeal, but regrettably, many of them fail miserably. Of course, successful innovation requires a willingness to take risks and accept failure.

Attempting to uncover product development methodologies that boost the likelihood of success, on the other hand, is still a wise decision.

Although there is no guaranteed recipe for commercial success, there is a formula for product failure. Ignoring one or more of the product strategy’s important qualities is a recipe for failure. Mobile application development is a vast business, but if you look at your phone, you’ll see that you only use a tiny proportion of the applications available in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, since most apps are not unique.

Excellent digital goods do not come out of anywhere. They are complex artifacts that have successfully evolved into outstanding products as a result of a meticulous product discovery process. They are wonderful experiences that are easy to use and lovely to look at, and they provide exceptional value to their users.

The majority of goods fail at the discovery stage or soon after introduction. They either fail to give substantial user value, people do not utilize them on a regular basis, or their user base does not expand adequately. Few items will serve the market: significant products that get popular attention, inventive solutions that no one has ever considered, and people’s behavior will change.

These are the goods we are familiar with, appreciate, and recall regularly. These are the items we intend to build.

According to Harvard Business School, approximately 30,000 new goods (physical and digital) are launched each year, with 95 per cent failing. That is a frightening concept for any firm, particularly a startup with few resources.

This number is a huge disincentive for everyone who hopes to one day launch their dream product. This gets us to the primary point: why do goods fail? And by product failure, we don’t simply mean a lackluster financial return; poor user adaptation and feedback are also critical factors.

Fixing a Problem that doesn’t exist

Every solution has its roots in a problem. In today’s competitive market, a product is regarded as unimportant if it does not answer an issue that people are experiencing. Such a product gradually fades from the market and from the user’s memory.

To prevent this common problem and so boost your chances of creating a successful product, we recommend a heavy dose of self-doubt. The initial spark of imagination that has evolved into a mental vision of a fully-fledged digital product is most likely founded on a few assumptions and ideas, which should be challenged.

Finding reasons for not building a product that you believe would sweep customers off their feet might be useful in popping a few bubbles.

Failure to Understand Consumer Needs and Wants

We must not forget that consumers have the power to decide the success or failure of items; after all, it is for them that we produce things.

Starting with the technology and saving the sales strategy for later will add unanticipated problems to the overall product development process.

Taking into consideration all types of client wants has become essential while developing goods.

Mediocre Quality

Thing quality is defined as “how well the product accomplishes what it’s designed to do” and “how skillfully it lasts over time.” Poor build quality causes irreparable harm by converting a consumer into an opponent who will not only cease using your product but will also influence others. This chain reaction may kill countless potential sales, paving the door for product failure.

The most important aspect of quality is how a digital product looks, feels, functions, and serves. The brains behind the product’s UX & UI Design define how it looks and feels, whilst developers determine how it performs and serves. Let’s take a deeper look at these two departments separately.

UX UI Design

The failure of an app may be attributable to a number of factors. The most serious offender is clearly poor user experience. Users don’t recall everything they come across when using a product, but the experience of using the product is what sticks with them.

During the conversation, they review the goods that elicit certain feelings. A good or terrible user experience might foretell the future of your product.

“The greatest items are distinguished by two characteristics: features and details.” People are drawn to your goods because of their features. The details are what keep people hooked.” UX adds a logical flow to the product, focusing on completing activities in the simplest and smartest method possible. UI brings the flow to life by mixing components, colors, mental processes, and consumer behavior.

Sleek Coding & Smart Technology

There are two kinds of programming: excellent and terrible. Both may be valid in terms of running the app. However, poor code ultimately manifests itself in the way the product functions. Poorly designed code may result in financial losses or the waste of time required for future software maintenance, expansions, or modifications.

Messy code might be a product owner’s worst nightmare. They are difficult to read and interpret.

Fixing faults and adding new features to the code might be more expensive than designing a whole new product. It is critical to adhere to proper coding standards when designing the product.

Prolonged Development or Delayed Market Entry

The time it takes to get your product to market is critical to its success. If your new product development process takes 5 years while your rivals take 2 years, you will most certainly lose out on a lucrative market opportunity, no matter how amazing your ideas are.

Designers are demigods who lead from the front in expediting the design process while maintaining user experience.

However, programming is a distinct ball game in which the gods of code control the project’s speed. To speed project delivery, both teams must work together to implement agile methods.

Misalignment with business processes

Product failures are inevitable when businesses prioritize technology above strategy. Aligning product and business objectives and smoothly integrating them with company operations and finances is crucial to project success.

This is required for the product development process. Before writing the first line of code or drawing the first UX concept, the team must create a plan for dealing with any future challenges.


As they claim, product creation has grown simpler and easier. Let us agree to disagree. As your resources (designers, developers, testers, tools) grow, so will your competitors and consumers.

It is not enough to have a concept for a product and have it created, produced, and released. You must be prepared to address the most difficult inquiries concerning your concept. A local and macro perspective on the product not only lifts your spirits but also instills trust in your investors.

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Rishabh Jain
Founder @Confetti
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